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Theia Marketing Unplugged Combating Employee Burnout | Theia Marketing

Written by Aubrey Shiffert | 2022 June 10 15:15 GMT

At Theia Marketing employee well-being is top of mind. Our team spans the United States, works in three different time zones, and are rockstars at producing killer content for our clients. We all work remotely to bring our client’s goals to life, and while remote work has become more prevalent and accepted, it presents its own hurdles and stressors employees face. We understand that it is hard to unplug from work when you work from home, so we’re carving time out this summer for our employees to do just that.

We feel everyone deserves a break, time to recharge their mind, body, and soul. That’s why we’re rolling out Theia Marketing Unplugged, a special initiative to help employees battle remote work burnout.

Theia Marketing Unplugged includes two key components to help with burnout:

  1. A Week of Rest: We’re making July 4th-July 8th a company holiday week for all employees to take time off and recharge. This doesn’t mean we won’t be available, it simply means our team’s availability is a little more flexible with fewer hours spent in
    front of a computer screen.
  2. No Meetings on Fridays: We encourage employees to not book meetings on Friday to help combat Zoom fatigue and restore some of that positive Friday energy!

“Our clients are relying on us to get the job done and done right. We continue to deliver results because we ensure that our team of rockstars who are responsible for creating, strategizing, and executing client projects are well-rested and able to support our client's needs for the long haul,” said Lucas Munisteri, CEO of Theia Marketing. “As a business leader, I take deep pride in taking care of our clients' and employees' needs, and feel it’s my job as a leader to show my employees that taking time off isn’t just encouraged, it's critical.”

What will our employees be doing during their time off, lets's see what they have to say!

“I plan to finish painting the bedroom I started 2 months ago, take a truckload to the Goodwill, catch up on my leisure reading, and take a drive(s) to Big Sur for a hike(s) and lunch(es). -Dennie Bautista, Account Manager

“Around the house, I'm going to redo my home office in an ergonomic overhaul, including a standing desk. Then, we're taking my 6-year-old stepson tent camping one night and getting out on the ocean for some paddle boarding.” -Lauren Darrimon, Web Developer, UI/UX Designer & Technologist

“I am looking forward to reading my “stack” of books on Libby from my public libraries! I have a lot of fantasy books from authors like Sarah J. Maas and Grace Lin that I hope to recharge with. I’m also planning on doing fun things with the kids that week.” -Islin Munisteri, CRO

“After Independence Day celebrations, I plan on being present for my family!” -Kendra Pitillo, Accounting Specialist

"My husband and I are taking sailing lessons, and I’m looking forward to logging some lake time with our instructor during the week! We’re also avid motor boaters, so when I’m not learning how to harness the wind, I’ll be catching sun rays and lake waves on good ole' Lake Erie.” -Aubrey Shiffert, Marketing Strategist